Data governance
Data custodian
Responsible for the capture, storage, and disposal of data as per the Data owner and Data steward’s requirements, and within the limits of data quality and security limitations.
Data owner
Senior leader within the business (DD and above) who sponsors and champions data governance work within their data domain.
Data steward
Subject matter expert within a business area (SEO – DD) or the associated data domain, acting as a go-between for business users and digital teams/system owners.
Data protection terms
Data protection impact assessment. Process to help identify and minimise the data protection risks of a project.
Information asset owner. Manages the risks to personal information and business critical information held within a department.
Retention period
‘Retention period’ refers to the period of time for which the data is held in the source system or service. The official MoJ overview on Retention- and Disposition schedules can be found here:
Security classification
Only data that is ‘official’ (including official-sensitive) is presented in the catalogue.
Data sources
Analytical platform
The Analytical Platform (AP) is a data analysis platform made up of tools, packages and datasets for creating applications that utilise data within the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). The Analytical Platform provides development environments in both Python (JupyterLab) and R (RStudio), allowing you to query, analyse and model data.
Common platform
Case management system of His Majesty’s Courts and Tribunals Service. The system provides secure access to the most up-to date case information for all the parties involved in criminal cases – including the judiciary, solicitors and barristers, the Crown Prosecution Service and court staff. Due to replace existing systems XHIBIT and Libra.
Also known as nDelius. Probation case management system.
Digital Prison Services. Microservice-style gradual addition/replacement of NOMIS.
Case management system for family court cases.
Details include name: sex and address of applicant; children’s date of birth if applicable, names of respondents, details of solicitors if applicable, whether further documents involved and type of Order.
Fully managed service to the magistrates’ courts in England and Wales supporting business functions such as case preparation, case scheduling, court diary, accounting and enforcement.
National Offender Management Information System. Also known as C-NOMIS or P-NOMIS.
Operational database used in prisons for the management of offenders. It contains offenders’ personal details, age group, type of offence(s), type of custody (including those remanded on bail and sentenced), sentence length, prisoner movement data (internal and external), case note information, addresses of the prisoner (release, reception and curfew) and involvement in breaches of prison discipline. It also includes full details of the prisoners’ visits history, activities (both paid/unpaid work and offender rehabilitation programmes) and details of the prisoners’ financial records whilst in prison.
Offender Assessment System.
Operational database used to assess the risks and needs of eligible offenders in prisons and probation trusts.
Prisoner Escort Custody Services.
The provision of prisoner journeys and transfers between prisons, the case and supervision of prisoners in custody in court cell suites and the custody of prisoners in court docks.
Case management system of the Office of the Public Guardian.
Single Operating Platform.
Oracle enterprise software system holding data on HR records, staff recruitment, payroll processing. It covers finance, HR and commercial functions in the core department, a large portion of agencies and non-departmental public bodies, as well as the territorial offices.
Exchanging Hearing Information by Internet Technology.
Case management system used by Crown Courts only to record case details, hearing dates, applicant details etc. Note that this system is not used by Magistrates Courts.
Other technical terms
Derived table
A table created using the Create a Derived Table service.